24 VIEWS is not a static document of history. At its highest ambition, it is a forum to learn, discuss, and ideate best practices for a more just American futurity.
As part of the exhibition, we created the following curriculum to accompany the drawing series. The activities are intended to facilitate discussions around racial and ethnic categories, and how it factors into Census processes and government representation.
The workshop was created and presented in collaboration with former Clark County School District history teacher Averill Kelley and educator/activist Jean Munson. We thank all students and participants for your active contributions to this complex conversation!
In the spirit of equal access, we have made our lesson plan open and available to anyone looking for educational material. The curriculum fits well with units in US History, Social Studies, and Government for grades 9-12. However, adapt as you see fit and let us know how it goes!
If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to contact me directly at tiffany.lin@unlv.edu.
As part of the exhibition, we created the following curriculum to accompany the drawing series. The activities are intended to facilitate discussions around racial and ethnic categories, and how it factors into Census processes and government representation.
The workshop was created and presented in collaboration with former Clark County School District history teacher Averill Kelley and educator/activist Jean Munson. We thank all students and participants for your active contributions to this complex conversation!
In the spirit of equal access, we have made our lesson plan open and available to anyone looking for educational material. The curriculum fits well with units in US History, Social Studies, and Government for grades 9-12. However, adapt as you see fit and let us know how it goes!
If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to contact me directly at tiffany.lin@unlv.edu.

- Printouts
- Census Questionnaires 1790 - 2020
- 24 VIEWS Drawings
- Historical Event cards
- US Hemi-1 Census 3020 Questionnaire
- (OPTIONAL) 24 VIEWS Reference Guide
- Pencils
- Paper
- Masking tape
- Whiteboard
In advance
Share or post 24 VIEWS Drawings in chronological order around the room. Give participants 5-10 minutes to look and describe what they see.
- Community Agreements
Set a respectful framework for how to talk about race in the room. Share what you’re most comfortable with, safety is important. Challenge ideas not individuals.
- Writing Activity
> What words do you use to identify yourself? How do you design yourself in “official” documents (for school, work, etc.”)
> What role does this language play in your life? What situations have you used similar language to describe others?
- Share back & discuss
- Historical Event Cards
Pass out event cards + tape. Read about the event, take a few notes, then tape them underneath or between the appropriate time ranges of the 24 VIEWS Drawings. (For example - 1942 Executive Order 9066 would be taped between drawings for 1940 and 1950)
- (OPTIONAL) Personal History
Depending on comfort level, ask each participant to write personal historical landmarks and tape them into the timeline.
Example timeline from participant workshop 6/2021. Photo by Mikayla Whitmore.
- Share & discuss. What events surprised you? Which ones are most noteworthy to you and why? How might the drawings connect to these historical events?
- Explain that each drawing is a diagram that represents the percentages and racial categories used during the US Census for that given year.
- Examine the Questionnaires
Pass out Census Questionnaires from 1790 - 2020. Have each person or group examine the categories used for each year. Why would the US Government be interested in this specific information? If you were living during that time frame, what category would you fill out? How accurately does that represent your experience?
- Big group discussion
> Share response for previous questions.
> What is the Census? Why is it important?
> Do we need racial/ethnic markers to enact social change?
> What role does data play in advancing change?
- Make your own Census
Independently, brainstorm information you would like to know about your community. In other words, if you had to rewrite the entire Census questionnaire, what would you include? What would you take out?
- Share ideas and scribe on the whiteboard.
- The Near/Distant Future?
Pass out US Hemi-1 Census 3020 Questionnaire to take home and ponder. Explain it is from one version of the future.